Arizona Breeze Retractable Screen Doors are warrantied against defects in material or workmanship, for as long as the purchaser owns/resides at that residence. The word “defects,” as used in this warranty, is defined as imperfections which impair the utility of the product. This warranty expressly excludes the screen mesh. Screen mesh warranty is for one year against defects in the material only.
This warranty is limited to components, excluding mesh, that have defects. If the product component is defective within the terms of the warranty, Arizona Breeze Retractable Screen Doors will, at its option, replace or repair the component at no cost, including labor for a period of one year from the date of installation. Thereafter, labor charges will apply to any warranty work.
This is Arizona Breeze Retractable Screen Doors entire liability and the customer’s sole and exclusive remedy in lieu of all others. This warranty applies under conditions of normal use, but does not apply to defects that result from:
- Failure to perform periodic maintenance.
- Improper operating or handling.
- Unauthorized repairs and/or installations made or attempted by individuals who are not an authorized dealer of Arizona Breeze Retractable Screen Doors.
- Weather related or “Acts of God”.
For this warranty to be in effect, an authorized dealer must perform the original installation. Component defects should be reported to your Arizona Breeze Retractable Screen Doors authorized dealer.
Liability for any damages, including but not limited to general, special, indirect, incidental, consequential, aggravated, punitive or exemplary damages, and economic loss, as well as for breach of any expressed or implied warranties, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability, quality and fitness for any purpose other than as expressly stated herein, is disclaimed and excluded herefrom, to the extent that such disclaimer and exclusions are permitted by law.